Musée des Arts asiatiques,Nice (France)
(Musée des Arts asiatiques, Nice)
L’artiste contemporain Japonais Kinji Isobe est originaire de la région de Mino, connue pour produire le washi, le papier traditionnel japonais. C’est donc tout naturellement que l’artiste a adopté ce support
pour s’exprimer, en y associant d’autres matériaux employés dans l’art japonais, comme l’encre, la feuille d’or, le bois, le jus de kaki… et la peinture acrylique qui donne à ses créations une éclatante modernité.
Force du trait et des couleurs, calligraphie, usage de symboles, mélange de matières, inclusions, collages… Le travail de l’artiste, riche et inventif, le mène à s’approprier comme nul autre ce support à la texture si caractéristique,pour renouveler l’art pictural du kakemono.
Hélène CAPODANO CORDONNIER (ニース・アジア美術館)
(Hélène CAPODANO CORDONNIER「 美術館リーフレット」 2016 翻訳 田島美保子 氏)
富山県美術館 (1992)
Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art & Design
Kenji Otsubo(Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art & Design)
In recommending artists for this exhibition, I wanted to giveattention to artists whose work is related to the present day but quite different from what is ordinary called “contemporary art”. Of course, the definition of contemporary art has become rather vague, so it may seem meaningless to talk about distance from it or how to get away from it since these relative matters, Still, since the “contemporary art” of Japan is a product of the intellectual milieu and urban commotion of Tokyo, one might look to the work of artists with a regional haracter and orientation to find important features which have been lost from more fashonable painting. Isobe was born in Gifu prefecture, studied in Niigata, and returned to Gifu. His eloquent paintings make use of a boldy expressive combination of collage and calligraphy to give us a sense of time and meaning which has been lost from the urban art of today. Just as an elderly artist produces paintings which could only be painted in old age, Isobe creates strong, emotinally expressive paintings which could only be made by someone rooted in the historical culture of his region.
(「VOCA展―新しい平面の作家たち―」図録, 1994)
(「日本海美術展」図録, 1992)
ブランデ市(デンマーク 2001)
Brande City (Denmark)
Shunshou Manabe(Fine Art Critic)
Kinji Isobe’s works are generally classified as “contemporary art”, though there is always a strong awareness of Japanese culture. Of his many documentary works, what needs to be noticed is that they bear the principle issue of expression. Eastern spirit that you do not normally encounter in European pieces inhabits in Isobeʼs works. If you take a close look at his pieces, you will remember the “embodiment of unknown objects” in his circles, spaces and in his touches.
A series of activities in Denmark should attain high evaluation for giving significance to infinite symbols that lie in finiteness. Another remarkable activity called “Mino-washi (Japanese paper) Light Art Exhibition” was a successful harmony of Japanese paper and the old town lane and tender lightings.
We can realize the perpetual value in his certainly free execution.
With Isobeʼs drawing technique, he describes mother nature with coexisting trees in this “circles in resentation” I have no doubt that Isobe’s these unique documentary art works will cast a innovative notion to our chaotic world
(「Kinji Isobe Exhibition Drawing from Document」Catalog, Remisen Brande, Denmark, 2003)
真鍋俊照 (美術評論家)
(「Kinji Isobe Exhibition Drawing from Document」Catalog, Remisen Brande, Denmark, 2003)
「Kinji Isobe Exhibition: Drawing from Document」 Yasutaka Hiroe (2003)
Yasutaka Hiroe(Gifu Museum Curator)
I am recalling Kinji Isobe’s project with children and turning my thoughts toward ‘thereafter’. The project was a challenge for Isobe, took place in a garden of The Museum of Fine Arts Gifu as a part of this museum’s special exhibition event. Many children took part in this workshop by dripping paint on washi (Japanese paper) or excitedly draw with brush. The effort of this project may have caught many people’s eye since it was displayed in the woods of the garden.
Despite the desire to talk about this great workshop more, I will hold myself to focus on the subject. Isobe has experienced many of these tentative activities in Japan and : overseas, but it is quite like him who has strong ardor towards art education. I always admire his execution attitude that is to be inspired by every hour and the every person he encounters in the daily life, and I believe it has a significant notion these days. Collaboration with children allows him to keep ‘teach and learn relationship’ that is becoming more and more important in his career. Not only that, he is also trying to attain something from it.
By using colors, the impression of Isobe’s every moment and time with children remain forever as a trace; and as a result, it produces a massive artwork. However, the process is the most important point in this case. The process of causing unpredictable outcome by involving each other, interfering each other’s sense. That is where he can teach the joy of creation as well as realizing himself. No other place can train an artist better. Everlasting new discovery under free environment with no restrain, no compulsion, is such a desirable circumstance. I just hope for an everlasting execution as well. The freedom that you find amid work, midst accidental discovery, is the true freedom and I think that is where Isobe finds ‘thereafter’ that he cannot stop seeking.
「磯部錦司展 ―Repetition?―」リーフレット,真鍋俊照 (2001)
「磯部錦司展 ―Dialogue of Life」リーフレット (2008)
Monologue of The Circle
ななみ書房 長渡晃
ななみ書房の歩みは、2005年に始まった。ある友人を介しての磯部氏との出会いはその少し前だったのだが、その頃はこのような関係に発展するとは思ってもいなかった。出会いからまもなくのこと、事の流れから、磯部氏には ななみ書房 設立の後押しに加えて、ロゴマークや本のデザインなど、仕事に関する重要な部分で全面的に支援をしていただくことになった。
最初の本が刊行されたのは2006年2月であったが、肝心のブックカバーのスタイルがまだ決まっておらず、磯部氏に相談をさせていただいた。その相談を快く受けて、素材に作品を提供してくださりデザイナーの方も紹介してくださった。その結果、創立当初から ななみ書房 の本の表紙を磯部氏の作品が飾ることになり、完成した記念すべき最初の本は、とても重厚な印象のものとなった。
「MONAKA」6号,森岡由紀子 (1993)
新潟日報「磯部錦司展」 (1993)
「BT美術手帳」美術出版社, 廣江泰孝 (1996)
「中日新聞」 (1997)
「中日新聞」 (1998)
「中日新聞」 (2003)
“Exhibition Kinji Isobe” Randers. Denmark (2003)
ニース・アジア美術館 リーフレット (2016)
Musée des Arts asiatiques,2016
ニース・アジア美術館 リーフレット (2016)
Musée des Arts asiatiques,2016
ニース・アジア美術館 リーフレット (2016)
Musée des Arts asiatiques,2016
Copyright © 1992-2025 Kinji Isobe. All Rights Resarved