Exhibition(デンマーク 2003)
“Dialogue of Life” Galleri Bach Moller (Denmark, 2003)
“Dialogue of Life, Randers” Japanese paper, Acryl, Wood. 2003.
“Dialogue of Life”
Remisen Brande (Denmark, 2003)
“Dialogue of Life, Brande” Japanese paper, Acryl, Wood. 45×45cm, 2003.
◎Reviews( “Kinji Isobe Exhibition: Drawing from Document” Yasutaka Hiroe, 2003)
「生まれてくる自由について」 廣江泰孝(岐阜県美術館学芸員)
Yasutaka Hiroe(Gifu Museum Curator)
I am recalling Kinji Isobe’s project with children and turning my thoughts toward‘thereafter’. The project was a challenge for Isobe, took place in a garden of The Museum of Fine Arts Gifu as a part of this museum’s special exhibition event. Many children took partin this workshop by dripping paint on washi (Japanese paper) or excitedly draw with brush.The effort of this project may have caught many people’s eye since it was displayed in thewoods of the garden.
Despite the desire to talk about this great workshop more, I will hold myself to focus on the subject. Isobe has experienced many of these tentative activities in Japan and : overseas,but it is quite like him who has strong ardor towards art education. I always admire his execution attitude that is to be inspired by every hour and the every person he encounters in the daily life, and I believe it has a significant notion these days. Collaboration with children allows him to keep ‘teach and learn relationship’ that is becoming more and more important in his career. Not only that, he is also trying to attain something from it.
By using colors, the impression of Isobe’s every moment and time with children remain forever as a trace; and as a result, it produces a massive artwork. However, the process is the most important point in this case. The process of causing unpredictable outcome by involving each other, interfering each other’s sense. That is where he can teach the joy of creation as well as realizing himself. No other place can train an artist better. Everlasting new discovery under free environment with no restrain, no compulsion, is such a desirable circumstance. I just hope for an everlasting execution as well. The freedom that you find amid work, midst accidental discovery, is the true freedom and I think that is where Isobe finds ‘thereafter’ that he cannot stop seeking.
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